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Follow your interests and enhance them

-Twinkle Sharma

The most important thing for success is to find out your interests so we can focus on that. Everyone has their own interests, be it is drawing, dancing, coding, building. One can find success only if they know their interests and follow them.

I would like to share my own feelings regarding this. I was so worried about what I am going to do with my life, about what I want to do, what my goal is, what I should do, etc. Many people guided me about different fields, but the most important thing that I realized after all this, was that if you for once realize where your interest lies, no matter what it is, you can do a lot better towards it in your life.

Everyone has their own set of talents, and your duty is to find your happiness, which can only be found in your interest. After finding it, you can enhance those skills and can do way better at it than anyone else. If you work for a simple job, which is not satisfying you, which is not making you happy, you can’t achieve success in that particular field. But once you start following your interests and passion, you can not only achieve success but also happiness in life. Do think about your interests and focus on them, it will turn you into a better version of yourselves.