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Worth of vocational education

-Yukti Gupta

Before getting into the topic, we first need to understand the concept of vocational education. So, to start with it is basically the type of education that is skill-based and prepares a student to work in a specific trade or craft. It is generally practical in nature, which gives you not only the knowledge, but also the training you need for real-world jobs. These vocational courses are available in a wide variety of fields ranging from tourism, hospitality, beauty, therapy, computers, childhood development, etc.

I have personal experience in this field as I am pursuing a vocational web designing course, which includes the technical as well as the practical part. We work on different projects as the aim is to master the skills and learn to apply them in real life. As I got to know more about this I found out that these courses are career-specific. Like, if you really know about your interests you can easily start working on them. Another thing is the fee. Many students find these courses helpful, as they are an affordable alternative to the mainstream courses.

In many institutions, these courses are flexible, so you can also pursue them from distant learning. In that case, you don’t have to worry about the rigid schedules. Most importantly it’s all practical there are a number of fields where practical experience is more valuable than qualifications, so companies like to hire people who have polished skills rather than those who have to be provided with the training.

I would definitely advice, that if you’re looking for a way to build and reach your career dreams which are not really theoretical, then vocational studies are really worth it!