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Money or happiness

-Anjali Rawat

Money or happiness- these two are quite different yet quite debatable. It's often said and heard that money can't buy happiness yet people hastily run in order to earn more and more throughout their lifetime, only to realize that they didn’t survive to live their lives fully until the end.

Personally, I'd like to throw some light on the fact that yes, money can be a source of happiness in one's life and any materialistic thing that we really cherish and aspire to have, can be bought through those currency notes, but I don't believe that money is solely responsible for a person's happiness. I have seen people who are well off and still not happy.

Sometimes happiness lies in those intangible moments and gestures that we await and money has surely nothing to do with it. In a nutshell, I would like to say that money does make our lives luxurious but in the end it's the happiness we truly long for.